Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yes Bikini Girls Gets It...

You knew this post was coming. We weren't going to let Katrina Darrell aka Bikini Girl from American Idol get away without our acknowledging her success.

Now let it be known that I am not an avid or rabid AI fan. I've never watched the show in its entirety and alas, I have never voted but I have to tell you that Bikini Girl just might have changed that for me.

Can she sing? Probably not, but she is an excellent marketer. Think about how skillfully she packaged her product to appeal to the AI judges. Simon and Randy had no qualms about supporting her bid to be the next Idol. And when you consider that there were 27,000 other wannabes trying out, we just have to give it up for Bikini Girl, because she knew what she wanted, went out and executed on her plan and put herself in a position to suprise us all. Compare that to all the other wannabes lying by the pool in their bikinis thinking they have the chops but will never know because they never tried.

Barrack and Bikini Girl. So whats the take away from Bikini Girl's audition? Be different. Be memorable. Package your ass, er assets, in such a way as to distract from your weaknesses. As Barrack Obama proved against Hillary Clinton, it's not the most experienced or best qualified that gets the top job...


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